Insurance Clients

Remember that an Insurance client is never a closed account.

Perhaps you will open an additional line of business. Perhaps they will refer additional clients to you. Perhaps another broker will approach them. Obviously a high level of professionalism is paramount but other features can augment a client’s experience.
Help them complete claims with the insurance company for benefits they feel they are entitled to. Some medical expenses will require pre-certification by the insurance company, it’s just important that your client’s doctor check with the insurance company for questionable procedures. Claims will often be responded to in an explanation of benefits which is the insurance company’s official response to claims.
Call them at renewal time and make sure they are happy with their policy.
Learn about changes in their lives which might make changing policies financially beneficial.
Once they have signed with you on a policy, try and sell additional lines of coverage. Increased lines of coverage improves retention of clients because then you become a reference point for their financial needs If you see the opportunity for a relationship between two of your clients give a polite mention (the longer they are in business, the longer they can be your clients)
Distribute satisfaction surveys (or we can) to find out what their happy with and what additional needs they have. With a free google account, on our website, we hav ea form you can send and get the reply for.
Managing your client’s needs is an art, however, remember that the more lines of business your client files through you the more likely it is you will retain them as a client.

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